Jess Wilkinson 5th in under 16 girls National Cyclo-Cross Championships

The National Cyclo-Cross Championships were held in Peel Park, Bradford over the weekend of the 12th and 13th of January. Jess Wilkinson and Craig Rogers both competed on the first day. Jess was 5th in the under 16 girls category and Craig 16th in the under 14 youth category. Full results can be found here.

Jess has kindly provided a report for her competition:

“We got to Bradford bright and early so I could check out the course and was surprised to see it wasn’t as muddy or as technical as usual! There was the usual long and steep run ups where you could hardly get your feet to stay on the ground, slippy corners and a few fast descents and grassy straights. On the first lap I was a bit off the pace but after settling down the long straights and run ups played to my advantage and I dropped a few riders and caught a few more. On the second to last lap I was in fifth place and kept there comfortably till the end.”