First Club Clothing order – update

Message from Steve Molyneux:

“The first order for clothing has been completed and will consist of all FRC items only.

Unfortunately at present there are only 2 FRC skinsuits ordered and there is a requirement for 20 as they are made from a unique print screen. The 2 orders will remain in place in the hope that another 18 members order them by the end of January when the second club order will go out and when they also see the other FRC items in the flesh. If this is not the case then we will refund the 2 that are ordered and the club will not have the FRC skinsuits available to order any more until 20 members commit to them.

Please therefore make sure if you want the top quality FRC skinsuit for 2013 that you order it before the end of January.

Our ProKit orders are at present below the minimum requirements to allow the order to take place today and this order will wait until the end of January to be issued in the hope that more members order the items in January with their Christmas money. My Team Giordana have agreed to top up our Pro Kit order at their cost to meet quantities on some items and the club will also purchase stock items so the order can be placed at the end of January and will still then still be delivered by the beginning of March.

The smaller ProKit items (printed) require minimum quantities as follows: Tights=10, Bib knickers=10, Arm warmers =10, Leg warmers=20, Overshoes=20, Oversocks=20

Pro mitts=10, Pro mitts Velcro=10, Socks=100, Caps=150 and we are not close enough yet so please get ordering if you want them.

I Will be holding at least 2 more trying on and ordering evenings in January so please try and come along if you can and in the meantime please communicate with me directly (not on the public facebook) using FB message, my email: or my mobile 07803298048 if you would like to collect and try a sample on at home.


Steve Moly “