Following the announcement back in June by CyclingTimeTrials (CTT) that time trial events in England could resume, initially from the 4th July and later the 6th July, BNECC is happy to announce that all of our remaining Club (Type B) events will take place as planned; thanks to the hard work put in behind the scenes by our TT organisers to make sure everything was in place.

Those events now going ahead are our 2 remaining Interclub 10s, on the 30th July and the 27th August on the Saighton D2/7 course and all 4 of our ‘Boardman 5’ events, held every Tuesday throughout August at Willaston. All events will be held, as usual, under CTT Type B regulations; however there will be some differences in 2020 as they will also be conforming to the CTT Covid-19 Risk Assessment to keep both marshals and riders safe. Those changes to the events are highlighted below. All of the new rules MUST be followed by marshals and riders AT ALL TIMES; they’re all in place for everyone’s safety.
Sign On
Sign on will be slightly different this year to what we’re all used to. Social distancing will need to be followed at all times whilst at the HQ; and this includes during sign on. Riders queuing will need to ensure that they are following all current regulations around social distancing which, at the time of writing, is 2m or roughly one bike length. Marshals will be at the HQ to ensure this is followed. The sign-on process will also be slightly different this year; all events will still be enter on the night and you will still collect your number when signing on. All numbers will be washed before and after each use. Payment will still be made on the night, and cash will be excepted but please ensure you have the correct money as no change will be given; NO EXCEPTIONS.
We will not be allowing the use of Turbo Trainers or Rollers at the HQ of the events; all warmups must take place out on the road; but please be mindful of other competitors, especially if your start time is later in the event. Anyone found using turbo trainers or rollers will be asked to leave the event.
Car Parking
Due to the need for social distancing, we will have to limit the amount of parking available at both Saighton and Willaston. We would therefore ask riders to ride to the event if they can, or find alternative parking areas, but please bear in mind local communities whilst parking; we don’t want to upset them. We will have a parking marshal at Saighton, if you’re told that the parking is full please respect this and park elsewhere.
Start Line
There will be changes at the start line this year. The biggest change will be that this year there will be no pusher off due to social distancing. Instead, we will have a marshal in place to act as a spotter for any traffic approaching from behind. All riders will be required to do a standing start. The start line will also be gridded with no more than 3 riders allowed at the start at any one time, so please don’t proceed to the start location more than 3 minutes prior to your start time. Riders waiting for the start must follow social distancing at all times.
The CTT Covid-19 risk assessment states that, where possible, the start timekeeper should be positioned inside their vehicle with windows closed. This will be the case at Willaston for the ‘5s’, but due to space constraints at Saighton this is not possible. Instead, the timekeeper will be positioned a safe distance from all riders.
During the Event
During the event itself there will be very few differences to normal, the CTT rules already stipulate that riders need to stay apart whilst competing. However, please bear in mind that we are not using closed roads for these events, and that you may encounter other cyclists and pedestrians during your ride. Please remember social distancing and give plenty of space to other cyclists, pedestrians and the marshals.
After the Event
Once you have crossed the finish line please don’t stop and congregate with other riders or stop at the finish line to speak to the finish timekeeper. Proceed straight back to the HQ of the event. Once you arrive at the HQ, remove your number quickly and place in the box provided. Please do not congregate at the HQ under any circumstances, and respect social distancing. Once you have placed your number in the box, please leave the HQ promptly. No refreshments will be provided and results will not be displayed at the HQ. Results will be posted online after the event ends.
We know that some of these changes are quite substantial, and the events won’t look how you remember them; but unfortunately this is the only way that we can safely run events in the current climate. If the above requirements aren’t adhered to by all, we may have to cancel any further events this year; so please, do your part to keep everyone safe whilst racing.